Sapulpa: 918-224-6600

Oklahoma Temporary Motorist Liability Plan

Highlights of the New Law
 The owner or operator who fails to comply with the Compulsory Insurance Law shall be:
o Guilty of a misdemeanor
o Subject to a fine of not more than $250 OR
o Subject to imprisonment for not more than 30 days OR
o Subject by both such fine and imprisonment
o Subject to suspension of driving privileges
o Subject to the vehicle being seized OR
o Subject to the license plate being seized
 To retrieve the license plate from the sheriff's office, the owner or operator must:
 Provide verification of compliance with the Compulsory Ins Law
 Make payment in full of an administrative fee of $125
 Make payment in full of the citation
 After 90 days, the sheriff's office may dispose of an unclaimed license plate
 The vehicle may have up to 10 days of coverage provided by the Oklahoma
Temporary Motorist Liability Plan
Information, similar to the above "Highlights of the New Law" will print with applications for new applicants.
We hope all of this information will help educate our agents, their staff, and customers about this new law.
If you have questions about this law, call your marketing representative for assistance. They are available
to assist you with questions regarding this notification.